Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle Pain
The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle is located on the inside (pinky side) of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, palm of the hand, and the ring and little fingers. Pain is sometimes felt in the elbow.
The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle is located on the inside (pinky side) of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, palm of the hand, and the ring and little fingers. Pain is sometimes felt in the elbow.
The flexor carpi radialis muscle is located in the front of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, bottom of the palm that often extends to the thumb pad and thumb. Twisting the wrist and gripping objects is painful.
The latissimus dorsi muscle can contribute to pain in the shoulder, upper back, and arm going down into the hand. The muscle can also cause pain in the side of the ribcage and lower abdomen. It is the muscle that most often causes the ‘side stitch’.
The teres minor connects the shoulder blade to the upper arm and is one of the rotator cuff muscles.