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Peripheral Nerve Entrapment

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle Pain

    The flexor digitorum superficialis is located in the front of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the four fingers, the palm, and occasionally the wrist. The muscle is a major contributor to trigger finger.

    Palmaris Longus Muscle Pain

      The palmaris longus muscle contributes to pain in the wrist, the palm of the hand, and will sometimes extend up into the forearm.

      Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle Pain

        The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle is located on the inside (pinky side) of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, palm of the hand, and the ring and little fingers. Pain is sometimes felt in the elbow.

        Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle Pain

          The flexor carpi radialis muscle is located in the front of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, bottom of the palm that often extends to the thumb pad and thumb. Twisting the wrist and gripping objects is painful.

          Pronator Teres Muscle Pain

            The pronator teres muscle is located in the front of the forearm. It can contribute to pain in the wrist near the thumb. Pain is often felt in the thumb pad and can extend up into the forearm. Cupping the hand can become almost impossible because of intense pain in the wrist and or thumb pad.