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Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle: Foot And Big Toe Pain


The flexor hallucis brevis muscle is located on the bottom of the foot under the big toe. It connects a bone of the big toe to small bones in the foot.

The muscle contributes to pain under the big toe and the ball of the foot that often spills into the inside of the upper foot. Pain is most noticeable when standing and walking. Once your weight is off your feet, the pain significantly lessens.

The Location of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle


The flexor hallucis brevis connects a bone in the big toe (proximal phalanx) to the tibialis posterior tendon, and small bones found at the bottom of the big toe (medial and lateral cuneiform bones and the cuboid bone).

The Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle Action Bends the Big Toe Down


The flexor hallucis brevis bends the big toe down toward the floor. It also provides support to the arch of the foot.

For detailed origin, insertion, and action information: Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle Anatomy.

Flexor Hallucis Brevis Pain And Symptoms

Symptoms include:

  • Pain in the ball of the foot extending into the big toe
  • Difficulty and pain when walking
  • Deformed toes
  • Pain lessens when you are not on your feet

If you are experiencing pain on the bottom of your foot under the big toe and the ball of the foot, the flexor hallucis brevis muscle is likely involved. The pain intensifies while standing and walking and decreases when your weight is off the foot. Because walking is painful, you may carry your weight on the outside of the foot.

Dysfunction in the muscle, if left untreated, can contribute to the development of hammertoe and other toe deformities.


The flexor hallucis brevis muscle is affected and can affect these conditions.


Other muscles that should be examined:

Products TWD Use and Recommend For Foot Pain

Sombra Warming Gel  is recommended for relaxing muscles and relieving pain. It warms without the burning heat of other gels. An excellent choice for pain caused by trigger points, muscle/joint overuse and stiffness, and arthritis. Somba works well for chronic foot pain; it provides almost instant relief. (Not sold in stores)

Biofreeze Pain Relieving Gel  is an excellent pain-relieving gel recommended for those with sudden onset muscle pain or recent injuries. It is better to use than warm therapy gels and creams for muscle pain caused by inflammation as it cools the area much like ice. If your pain is from a recent injury, use Biofreeze. It is excellent to use on sprains and strained and sore muscles.

Yoga Toes Gems are highly recommended for foot and lower leg pain. The separators stretch the muscles of the feet and many muscles of the lower leg. Used regularly, Yoga Toes do help straighten and align your toes. They can also be helpful for some cases of bunions, hammertoes, and claw toes. It can also help with issues of plantar fasciitis. For Men's shoe size ten+ and women's shoe size 12+, consider Yoga Toes For Men

The Serenily Massage Ball Set includes a smooth ball, two spiked balls, and a roller, which will give you maximum treatment for various aches and pains in your feet and other areas of the body. The balls vary in flexibility to provide needed pressure. The roller can be used for hot or cold treatments. The set comes with instructions and exercises. Rolling your feet takes just a few minutes each day and can provide excellent results for foot, lower leg, hip, and back pain.

The Causes Of Flexor Hallucis Brevis Pain

    • The second toe is longer than other toes, including the big toe
    • Walking, standing, or running on hard surfaces
    • Walking or running on uneven ground
    • Walking in high heels
    • Shoes that are too small

A leading cause of pain in and around the big toe is a condition known as Morton's toe, in which the second toe is longer than the other toes, including the big toe. Morton's foot causes muscle imbalances in the foot and affects the walking and running gaits.

If you walk, jog, or hike on uneven ground, the flexor hallucis brevis muscle may become sore and painful. Rough terrain overworks and stresses the foot and lower leg muscles.

Standing and walking on hard surfaces for extended times will cause pain in the flexor muscles of the feet and the other muscles of the feet and lower legs.

Shoes that are too narrow or short cause the toes to curl, which means various muscles in the foot remain shortened while others are in a stretched and elongated state. This muscle imbalance will not only cause pain but is a contributor to deformities of the foot and toes.

High-heeled shoes throw the body's weight onto the ball of the foot and the toes affecting the normal walking gait. Again, muscle and weight imbalance will negatively affect all the feet and lower legs muscles. If you wear high heels a lot, you risk foot pain and deformities of the feet, including bunions, hammertoe, and claw toes.

How To Avoid the Development of Trigger Points and Pain in the Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle

The type and fit of your shoes often determine if you will suffer from foot pain.

Shoes that are too narrow squeeze the foot and the toes together. A foot under constant pressure will swell. Toes jammed together lead to corns, bunions, and other painful deformities. Wear shoes wide enough for your toes to rest comfortably and have enough room to wiggle a bit.

If your shoes are too short, your toes remain curled to fit into the shoe, leading to pain in the feet and lower leg. It will also contribute to knee, hip, and lower back pain. A rule of thumb is if a toe touches the end of the shoe's toe box, go up a size.

If you wear high heels a lot, consider changing to a low-heeled, supportive shoe for part of the day. If that is not possible, take the heels off and walk around to give your feet a chance to stretch and relax. It is surprising how much this can help not only your feet but it can also provide an energy boost!

Wearing the proper shoes for various sports and other activities will help protect against pain. Find shoes that are comfortable with the support needed for your activities.

If you must stand for long periods, wear shoes that provide arch support and have padding to help ease the pressure of standing. Depending on your situation, a standing mat can also be of benefit.

If Morton's toe is the cause of your pain, you should consult a podiatrist. While a good massage of the feet and lower legs can help relieve tension and pain, other treatments and therapies may provide better relief.


Common Locations Of Trigger Points In The Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle


Check for these trigger points if you are experiencing pain on the bottom of your foot under the big toe.

Flexor Hallucis Brevis Muscle Self-Treatment Massage

The flexor hallucis brevis is a deep muscle that lies under other muscles and soft tissues. You can use your fingers and thumbs to massage the muscle, but it takes considerable pressure to reach the flexor hallucis brevis. Instead of risking sore fingers, it is recommended that you use a massage ball. Simply place the ball on the floor and roll the area beneath the big toe and the ball of the foot. Start with light pressure, slowly increasing pressure to a "hurts so good" level. If you find an exceptionally sore spot, which is likely a trigger point, stop rolling and keep pressure on the area for approximately 10 seconds. Do this treatment twice a day for 1-3 minutes per foot. Continue treatments until pain and soreness are gone.

Note: Longer treatments and more pressure do not speed up healing. It will do the opposite, inflaming the muscle and the soft tissues around the muscle. 

How Long Before I Feel A Reduction In Pain?

Most people feel a reduction in pain after 1-2 days of treatments. As treatments progress, you find a reduction in pain after each treatment.

If you find trigger points in the flexor hallucis brevis, you will want to check these muscles for additional trigger points, known as satellite trigger points. 

Recommended Resource

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook is recommended to people who want to learn about trigger points and referred pain. The book includes diagrams and easy-to-follow instructions for treating trigger points throughout the body.

Muscles With Similar Foot Pain Patterns



Clay, J. H., Allen, L., Pounds, D. (2015). Clay & Pounds' Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Finando, D., Finando, S. , (2005). Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain: The Practice of Informed Touch (1st ed.) Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press.

Muscolino, J., (2016) Kinesiology: The Skeletal System and Muscle Function (3rd ed.). Maryland Heights, Missouri: Mosby.

Image Credits: Dreamstime