Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle: Toe And Top Of The Foot Pain
The extensor digitorum longus muscle causes pain in the toes, top of the foot, ankle, and shin—contributor to claw toe, foot cramps, and foot drop.
The extensor digitorum longus muscle causes pain in the toes, top of the foot, ankle, and shin—contributor to claw toe, foot cramps, and foot drop.
The extensor hallucis longus muscle contributes to pain and numbness in the big toe, top of the foot, and foot cramps at night.
The abductor hallucis muscle is located on the bottom of the foot. It can cause pain in the ankle and heel. When trying to rest, there is a deep aching pain in the heel and ankle.
The abductor digiti minimi foot muscle can cause ankle pain similar to a sprained ankle. Pain is felt on the outside of the heel and ankle.
The peroneus tertius contributes to pain on at the top of the foot, ankle and heel. Pain greatly increases when walking and jogging.
The peroneus longus and peroneus brevis contribute to pain on the outside of the ankle and foot. The muscles are contributors to weak ankles and foot drop.
The tibialis anterior muscle can cause pain in the big toe, the ankle, and shin. It also contributes to a weak ankle, shin splints, and foot drop.
The soleus muscle can cause and contribute to pain in the heel, ankle, and back of the knee. It can also cause pain in the low back on the same side of the affected leg. Dysfunction of the soleus muscle can also contribute to swelling in the foot and ankle. Occasionally a trigger point at the bottom and outside of the muscle can contribute to pain in the jaw and side of the head.
The gluteus minimus muscle can contribute to pain in the buttocks, hip, thigh, calf and ankle. Glute minimus dysfunction makes it difficult to cross legs.