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Elbow Pain

Extensor Digitorum Muscle Pain

    The extensor digitorum is located in the back of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the back of the hand and middle finger which sometimes radiates up into the back of the wrist and the back of the forearm. Pain is occasionally felt in the front of the wrist, just below the palm.

    Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle Pain

      The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle is located on the inside (pinky side) of the forearm. It contributes to pain in the wrist, palm of the hand, and the ring and little fingers. Pain is sometimes felt in the elbow.

      Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle Pain

        The extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle is located in the back of the forearm on the side of the thumb. It contributes to a burning pain in the back of the hand that sometimes extends up to the forearm. Twisting the wrist can cause excruciating pain. It also can cause a weakened unreliable grip.

        Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle Pain

          The extensor carpi radialis longus contributes to pain in the elbow, forearm, back of the hand and first finger. It contributes to tennis elbow and can cause a weak unreliable grip.

          Anconeus Muscle: Elbow Pain

            The anconeus muscle is located in the forearm contributes to pain in the elbow. Pain is most pronounced when straightening the elbow. It is a prime contributor to tennis elbow and affects golfer’s non-dominant elbow.

            Brachioradialis Muscle Pain

              The brachioradialis is located on the outside of the arm and is a contributor to tennis elbow. It can cause pain on the outside of the elbow, forearm and often descends down into the wrist and thumb. It can contribute to numbness around the thumb as well as a weakened grip.

              Supinator Muscle Pain

                The supinator muscle is located on the thumb side of the elbow. It can contribute to pain in the elbow, forearm, and back of the hand at the base of the thumb. It can also contribute to numbness and tingling in the thumb side of the hand.

                Triceps Brachii Muscle Pain

                  The triceps brachii muscle is found in the back of the upper arm. It can contribute to dull aching pain in the shoulder upper arm, elbow, forearm which occasionally extends into the fingers. The elbow can be hypersensitive and difficult to bend and straighten.

                  Coracobrachialis Muscle Pain

                    The coracobrachialis muscle connects the shoulder to the upper arm. It can contribute to pain in the shoulder, back of the arm, and occasionally the middle finger. Pain is often felt when attempting to put your hand behind your back and or raising your arm over your head.

                    Biceps Brachii Muscle Pain

                      The biceps brachii muscle is found in the front of the upper arm. It contributes to pain in the shoulder, upper arm and elbow. Straightening the arm when the palm is facing up can be painful and difficult.

                      Brachialis Muscle Pain

                        The brachialis muscle connects the upper arm to the lower arm. It contributes to pain in the upper arm, elbow, thumb pad and thumb. It can also cause tingling and / or numbness in the back of the forearm into the thumb. Bending and straightening the elbow is painful.