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Oblique Muscles Pain: Abdomen, Pelvic and Groin Pain

    The oblique muscles contribute to pain on your side in the rib cage and waist area, lower abdomen, groin, and pelvis. They can also contribute to heartburn, indigestion, bladder pain and incontinence, and testicle pain.

    Rectus Abdominis: Abdominal Pain

      The rectus abdominis contributes to pain in the area around the sternum, across the upper back, across the buttocks, the lower abdomen, the pelvis. and testicles. It can also contribute to heartburn, indigestion, feeling bloated as well as mimicking urinary tract infection pain.

      Semispinalis Cervicis Muscle: Head and Neck Pain

        The semispinalis cervicis is a major contributor to headaches, especially those in which the pain concentrates at the base of the skull extending up the back of the head. It can also contribute to tingling and burning in the back of the head and scalp.

        Rhomboids Muscle Pain

          The rhomboids consist of two muscles, the rhomboid major and the rhomboid minor. They are located in the upper back and contribute to pain around the inner edge of the shoulder blade.

          Semispinalis Capitis Muscle: Neck and Head Pain

            A band of pain encircling the top of the head, pain in the temple area going into the eye, and pain in the back of the head is symptoms of trigger points in the semispinalis capitis muscle.

            Longissimus Thoracis Muscle: Low Back Pain

              The longissimus thoracis muscle contributes to deep aching pain in the lower back, hip and buttocks. Rising from a sitting to a standing position can cause an extreme feeling of stiffness and a deep aching pain.